


AirWave1/2/PRO rolling basket with sensor
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AirWave1/2/PRO rolling basket with sensor

AirWave rolling basket with infrared sensor for your AirWave1 or AirWave2 machine

Price on request
  • M99001060
AirWave rolling basket with infrared sensor for your AirWave1 or AirWave2 machine more
  • The rolling basket is mobile and always brings your air cushions to the ergonomically correct working height. They can be simply picked up rather than continually bending over.

    Standard Version:

    External dimensions: 35.5x23.5x55" (LxWxH)
    Tray: 23.5x18.5" (WxD)
    Internal dimensions: 34x21.5x36.5"  (LxWxH)
    Capacity: 15.5ft3